How to Use Google Shopping for Local SEO

Google Shopping has significantly altered the way businesses connect with local customers and drive online traffic. Google Shopping can give an extra boost to e-commerce businesses that are dependent on local SEO. With Google Shopping, you can improve your local business’s visibility, get more local customers, and optimize ROI. In this blog post, we will give you tips on how to make the most of Google Shopping for local SEO success. Let’s dive in!

Set Up and Optimize Google Merchant Center (GMC)

If you don’t have a GMC account, you’ll need to create one to be able to use Google Shopping. Here are the main steps that you’ll need to go through.

  • Start by creating a Google Merchant Center account, where you will upload and manage your product data. 
  • Enable local inventory ads and/or free local product listings.
  • Link your Business profiles using your Business Profile Manager and select your business group.
  • Create, register, and submit feeds.
  • Choose your landing page type for local inventory ads.
  • Request inventory verification.

Create and Optimize Your Product Feeds

After you get your GMC account fired up, you can get down to the actual action. Start with product feed creation and optimization. Optimizing your product feed is crucial for local SEO success on Google Shopping. Remember to 

  • ensure your feed includes accurate and detailed information such as product titles, descriptions, prices, availability, and local-specific attributes
  • use relevant keywords that align with your local audience’s search queries to increase your chances of appearing in relevant search results
  • create the feed in the correct format, e.g. CSV, XML, TXT. 

Check these resources on Google Merchant Help Center for more ⬇️

Also, read these blog posts for more detailed tips on how to craft state-of-the-art product feeds ⬇️

Utilize Local Inventory Ads

Local inventory ads are a powerful tool to showcase in-store inventory to local shoppers. By linking your product feed to your physical store, you can display real-time product availability and drive foot traffic. Here are the main benefits of Local inventory ads.

  • Ability to reach local shoppers. You can connect with nearby customers who are actively searching for products or services in your area. This targeting capability increases the likelihood of attracting relevant, high-intent customers. 
  • Promotion of in-store availability. Highlight product availability at nearby physical stores, making it easier for customers to find and purchase items locally. 
  • Highlight your store pickup options directly on your local inventory ads. You can use the pickup today feature, the pickup-later feature for local inventory ads to advertise products which are currently not available in your stores, or the pickup-later feature for Shopping ads.
  • Increased online visibility. Local inventory ads are displayed on various Google platforms, such as Google Search, Google Maps, and the Google Display Network. This broad exposure enhances your online presence, increasing brand visibility and attracting potential customers.

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Implement Local Structured Data Markup

  • Increased visibility. Local structured data markup provides search engines with specific information about your local business, such as an address, phone number, business hours, and other important details. When this information is marked up correctly, it can improve your visibility in local search results and Google Shopping listings, making it easier for potential customers to find your store.
  • Higher click-through rates (CTR). Rich snippets and structured data can enhance your Google Shopping listings by displaying additional information directly in search results. This can include star ratings, product availability, and pricing. These rich snippets make your listings stand out and can result in higher click-through rates as they provide more useful information to users.
  • Accurate information. Google Shopping relies on accurate and up-to-date data to show relevant products to users. By implementing local structured data markup, you ensure that your business information is consistent and correct across different platforms and search engines. Inaccurate information can lead to customer frustration and missed sales opportunities.
  • Mobile optimization. Local SEO is particularly important for mobile users who are searching for nearby businesses on the go. Structured data markup helps Google understand your business’s location and relevance to users searching on mobile devices, potentially increasing foot traffic to your physical store.
  • Competitive advantage. Many businesses do not fully utilize structured data markup, especially in the context of local SEO and Google Shopping. By effectively implementing it, you gain a competitive advantage by providing more detailed and relevant information to users, which can result in higher rankings and better conversion rates.
  • Google My Business integration. Local Structured Data Markup can easily connect with your Google My Business listing. This collaboration ensures that your Google Shopping campaigns align with your GMB profile, providing a consistent and dependable experience for customers searching for your products both online and offline.
  • Trust and credibility. Precise and well-organized information enhances your business’s credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of users and search engines. When potential customers encounter detailed and consistent information about your business, they are more likely to trust your brand and make a purchase.
  • Voice search and assistant integration. As voice search becomes more common, structured data markup can assist voice assistants like Google Assistant in delivering accurate information about your business to users when they make voice queries. This can be especially advantageous for local businesses aiming to attract voice search traffic.

Optimize Landing Pages for Local Intent

Landing page optimization with a focus on local intent is extremely important for local shops since this way you’re sending the right signal to Google and helping it showcase your stock to the audience that is interested in acquiring goods from you. Here’s what you should do foremost. 

  • Include local keywords. Incorporate location-specific keywords throughout the landing page content, including the page title, headings, body text, and meta tags. This helps search engines understand the local relevance of the page. 
  • Display local contact information. Prominently display the business’s local contact details, such as phone number, address, and email. This information should be easily visible and accessible to visitors, reinforcing the local presence of the business. 
  • Utilize localized content. Create landing page content that speaks directly to the local audience. Mention local landmarks, events, or other community-specific details that resonate with local customers. This helps establish a connection and demonstrates the business’s understanding of the local area. 
  • Showcase customer reviews and testimonials. Include customer reviews and testimonials specific to the local area on the landing page. Positive reviews from local customers can build trust and credibility, encouraging others in the community to engage with the business. 
  • Optimize meta tags and title tags. Craft meta tags and title tags that incorporate relevant local keywords. This helps search engines recognize the local intent of the landing page and can improve its visibility in local search results. 
  • Use location-specific imagery. Include images on the landing page that reflect the local area or feature local customers. This helps create a sense of familiarity and connection with visitors, reinforcing the local intent of the page. 
  • Implement schema markup. Utilize schema markup to provide search engines with structured data about the business’s local information, such as an address, phone number, and business hours. This can enhance the visibility and display of the landing page in search engine results. 
  • Optimize for mobile devices. Ensure the landing page is optimized for mobile devices since many local searches are performed on smartphones. Make sure the page loads quickly, is easy to navigate and provides a seamless user experience across different mobile devices. 
  • Create location-specific landing pages. If the business has multiple locations, consider creating dedicated landing pages for each location. Customize the content and contact information on each page to reflect the specific location, addressing the unique needs and preferences of local customers. 
  • Monitor and analyze performance. Regularly monitor the performance of the landing pages using analytics tools. Pay attention to metrics such as page views, bounce rates, conversion rates, and click-through rates. Analyze the data to identify areas for improvement and optimize the landing pages accordingly.

Encourage Customer Reviews and Ratings

Positive customer reviews and ratings play a pivotal role in local SEO. Remember to 

  • encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on platforms like Google My Business
  • respond to reviews promptly and professionally, demonstrating your commitment to excellent service. 

Customer reviews and ratings are crucial for local SEO on Google Shopping because they show trust and credibility to search engines and potential customers. Positive reviews boost your business’s reputation and influence shoppers’ decisions. Google’s algorithms consider reviews when ranking local businesses. More positive reviews can improve visibility and connect users with satisfied businesses.

Reviews and ratings also increase click-through and conversion rates on Google Shopping. When product listings have star ratings and snippets of reviews, they catch users’ attention and provide insights into product quality and popularity. Shoppers are more likely to click on listings with positive reviews and make purchases when they see positive feedback from other customers. This drives more traffic and transactions, benefiting local SEO and your business.

Building good local backlinks is a key part of a successful local SEO plan. These backlinks show search engines that your local business is relevant and trustworthy in a specific area. Here’s why local backlinks matter and how to get them:

  • More local relevance. When respected local directories, industry groups, and community websites link to your site, it shows that your business is relevant locally. Search engines like Google consider these links when deciding local search rankings.
  • Trust and credibility. Backlinks from trusted local sources help build trust with search engines and potential customers. When people see that authoritative local entities mention and recommend your business, they are more likely to see you as a reliable option in their area.
  • Better online visibility. Getting backlinks from local directories and community websites can improve your online visibility in the local market. This is especially important for businesses targeting specific areas. The more quality local backlinks you have, the more likely your business will show up in local search results and Google’s local pack, which can bring in more organic traffic.
  • Strategies for local link building. To succeed in building local links, start by finding respected local directories and industry associations that are relevant to your business. Make sure your business information is accurate and consistent on these platforms, including your name, address, phone number (NAP), and website URL. Look for opportunities to partner or collaborate with local businesses, which can lead to mutual backlinks.
  • Writing for other websites. Another good way to get more people to visit your website is to write articles for local blogs and websites. When you write helpful and informative content for these sites, they may include a link to your website. Make sure you choose websites that are related to your business and have a lot of visitors in your area.
  • Keep an eye on your links. After you get links from local websites, it’s important to check them regularly to make sure they still work and are helpful. You should also check the quality of your existing links and look for new opportunities to work with local partners.

Getting good links from local websites is very important for local SEO. This will make your business more visible and trustworthy in your area. By working with respected local sources, you can improve your local search rankings, get more local visitors to your website, and grow your business in your community.

Monitor and Analyze Performance

Regularly monitor the performance of your Google Shopping campaigns and track key metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and geographic data. Utilize tools like Google Analytics to gain insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and geographical distribution. Use these insights to refine your local SEO strategy and optimize your campaigns for better results. 

Here is a blog post about Google Shopping price tracking and analysis that you may find useful ⬇️

Final Thoughts

Using Google Shopping for local SEO can help you get more online visibility, attract local customers, and bring more people to your online store. You can do this by following some tips and instructions to improve your product feed, use local inventory ads, add structured data markup, make your landing pages better, ask customers for reviews, get local links, and keep track of how well you’re doing. Google Shopping is a great way to help your local business grow online.

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